“Clarifying Equitable Arts Education Requirements” and SB-5878
ArtsEd Washington has collaborated with education leaders from throughout the state to develop a series of guides to support schools in navigating the implementation of SB-5878. We also collected survey responses from 122 arts educators across the state, giving us an inside look at our schools’ successes and the gaps that need filling. In all of these presentations, we also equip participants with advocacy tools that can be immediately utilized.

Introduction to Equitable Arts Education:
Why does it Matter and What does the Law Say?
Date: February 27th
Presented by: Miranda Hein and James Andrews

Equitable Arts Education and SB5878:
A Deeper Dive for Music Educators
Date: February 18th
Presented by: Carol Pederson, Miranda Hein, Pamela Ivezic, Carinn EckisOrmson

Using Your Voice for Arts Advocacy:
A Student Thespian Initiative
Date: March 16
Presented by: Miranda Hein

Equitable Arts Education and SB5878:
A Deeper Dive for Educators
Date: April 13 @ 10AM
Presented by: Miranda Hein and James Andrews

Updates for Equitable Arts Education:
A Conversation with District Administrators
Date: TBD

Community Building for Equitable Arts Education:
Advocating for change and celebrating success
Date: TBD